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What advantages does feedback software provide to digital teams?


Collaboration is a key part of any business, and feedback software can make it easier for you to keep your remote teams on the same page. One of the biggest challenges of running a remote team is making sure that everyone is on the same page. You cannot just walk into an office and ask someone what they are working on or if they need help. Instead, you must rely on communication tools like email and messaging apps like Microsoft Teams.

Feedback software is designed to help teams communicate with each other, and with their clients. It is a way to keep everyone informed about what is going on in the company, while also helping them work together as a cohesive unit. Feedback software is also a way for companies to track their performance. They can use it to see how well they are meeting their goals, what types of projects are being completed most often and where there are opportunities for improvement.

Remote teams are becoming increasingly common as technology advances and companies look for ways to save money on office space and overhead costs. However, working remotely does not mean that collaboration must suffer—especially if you are using feedback software that works seamlessly with Microsoft Teams!  Microsoft Teams is a widely used communication tool for remote teams and integrating your feedback software with Teams makes collaboration easier.

Remote teams can also benefit from feedback software because it helps them stay connected with their colleagues even when they are separated by great distances. With this type of tool, it is easier for remote workers to feel like they are part of the team—and that can go a long way toward improving productivity and employee satisfaction overall. This can be especially helpful if there are many people involved in a project or initiative—and even more so if individuals are spread out across multiple locations.

Quality feedback software can also help teams communicate more effectively. It can be used to collect feedback on a project, for example, or to provide an avenue for remote workers to give feedback on an idea that has been proposed by someone else in their company. This type of feedback software can also be used to help keep projects on track. Remote workers can use it to submit regular reports about their progress, for example, and managers can use this information to make sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Boosting Client Satisfaction

When you use real-time feedback software, you’re inviting your clients to review your work-in-progress website. No matter how much clients trust your skills, this is the best way to give them total peace of mind that you’re working on what they asked for. Or, if you’re getting off track, clients will be able to guide you in the right direction fast.

Real-time design feedback empowers clients to speak up when a site design isn’t up to their standards. This may sound like a nuisance for you, but it can actually be a perk. With constant, real-time feedback comes less backtracking after meeting milestone requirements.

Clients will feel more satisfied when you turn in the first version of your completed site. Plus, they may be more satisfied with your overall client experience, too.

Eliminating Silos

In the workplace, a silo mentality refers to a culture in which different teams or departments don’t share knowledge with each other. This can lead to wasted time and money. When each team works toward the same goals, but apart, your agency may spend double the resources to hit one milestone.

Real-time design feedback software like SimpleStage gives your employees a comprehensive look at:

Your agency won’t risk asking clients for feedback twice. And even when teams forget to actively communicate internally, they’ll still have shared knowledge to improve the end product. You’ll reduce the level of work you need to complete to achieve goals.

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